Below is a list of resources and links to studies that may or may not be of use to you. If you have any suggestions to other links or material that may be of use to other groups or individuals, to assist in educating ourselves in the fight against wind turbines please forward them via the contact page.
Some studys and reports into Wind Turbines
London School of Economics- Valuing the local impacts of wind turbines through house prices- 2013
Why is wind power so expensive?
The Verso Economics March 2011- Green Jobs
Turbine Accidents up to Sept 2013
Adams Institute Study into the limitations of Wind Energy
The Performance of Wind Farms in the UK and Denmark
Adam Smith Institute Study- Renewable Energy, Vision or Mirage!
Sleep disturbance and wind turbine noise - Dr Christopher Hanning
Evaluation of Noise Impact Assessment - MAS Environmental
The infamous ETSU-R-97 document
Wind Turbine Syndrome - Dr Nina
Study on the impact of health of people living near wind farms
Ecological impacts of wind energy development on bats.
A study into the impact of Wind Turbines and Rural tourism.
Download and display our protest poster.
IAGS- China's Rare Earth Elements Industry:
What can the West Learn
Does so called "Green Energy" generate jobs?
The impact of wind farms on house prices - RICS
The devastating impact of a Peat Bog Slide -Derrybrien, Galway
Wind Turbine Accidents
Diary of a families life living near a Wind-Farm.
Another study on the impact of health of people living near wind farms
Wind Turbine Post Construction Bat & Bird fatality study
"The sound of high winds: the effect of atmospheric stability on wind turbine sound and microphone noise" van den Berg dissertation, University of Groningen, 2006"
See the scale of the new Turbines planned for West Tyrone.