We made a noise complaint about a turbine erected without planning permission 112m from our front door. Cookstown council took a reading with a hand held decibel metre and it was 42 decibels in light wind in September. This forced them to carry out a full noise assessment however to carry out this they have to give notice to the turbine owner. The turbine company promptly arrived two days before the assessment and serviced the installation and changed its running mode to a quieter setting. The result being that the turbine passed the acceptable noise level allowed which is 35 decibels.
The cards are so stacked against complainants it boarders on corruption. Wind turbines in Tyrone are now a epidemic. The turbine although illegal is still running.
The cards are so stacked against complainants it boarders on corruption. Wind turbines in Tyrone are now a epidemic. The turbine although illegal is still running.